Biology Research Labs

Biology Research Lab (One)


Biology Research Lab (Two)


1- Thermal cycler (TCY)

Three TCY devices, two of them are in good working conditions.

1- Freezer Microtome

2- DNA Gel electrophoresis set and a gel document.

2- Micro-kehldal system

3- Protein electrophoresis set.

3- Freeze dryer

4- Ice maker

4- Multi-chamber waterbath

5- Water distillator

5- UV Microscope

6- Shaking incubator

6- Dark-field Microscope

7- Normal incubators (25C and 37C)

8- Deep freezers -20 and -80 °C

10- Laminar hood

11- Laminar flow

12- Shaking Hot Plate

13- Centrifuges: Ultra cooling centrifuge, bench top centrifuge.